All our products are 100 % designed, developed and manufactured in Austria. We have consciously opted for the strict standards for certified Austrian organic cosmetics (Austria Bio Garantie) in order to offer highest quality and at the same time greater transparency and better comprehensibility.
All our ingredients therefore meet the strict requirements of Austrian organic cosmetics. All our products are made from high quality ingredients. We believe in authentic and honest products and ingredients that are absolutely harmless, undisputed and consistently very well rated. This ensures that our skin is never exposed to potentially harmful ingredients and avoids "ideological" and scientific debates about their safety.

Sustainability plays an important role for us, above all because we are inspired by the ideas of the circular economy. Circular economy means that new, sustainable and high-quality products are created from our already existing natural resources. In our case, liquid organic whey, a by-product of cheese production, is processed as our main ingredient and used to develop sustainable skin and body care products.
At vielö we are committed to a responsible use of existing resources without compromising quality. Through our local cooperations we accept higher costs, but at the same time we avoid unnecessarily long supply chains harming our environment and conflicting with our vielö values and principles. At the same time we are reducing our ecological footprint. We are aware that our contribution to making the cosmetics industry more sustainable is a very small one, but every big movement starts with small initiatives.

Nachhaltigkeit spielt für uns eine absolut zentrale Rolle, denn wir sind inspiriert von den Ideen der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Unter Kreislaufwirtschaft versteht man, dass aus den ohnehin vorhandenen natürlichen Ressourcen neue hochwertige Produkte entstehen. In unserem Fall wird flüssige Biomolke, ein Nebenprodukt der Käseerzeugung, als unser Hauptinhaltsstoff weiterverarbeitet und daraus nachhaltige Haut- und Körperpflegeprodukte entwickelt.
Bei vielö setzen wir uns für einen verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit vorhandenen Ressourcen ein, ohne dabei Kompromisse in der Qualität einzugehen. Durch unsere regionalen Kooperationen nehmen wir bewusst höhere Kosten in Kauf, gleichzeitig vermeiden wir unnötig lange Lieferketten, die unserer Umwelt schaden und unseren vielö Werten und Prinzipien entgegenstehen. Auf diese Weise reduzieren wir auch unseren ökologischen Fußabdruck. Wir sind uns bewusst, dass unser Beitrag, im Bestreben die Kosmetikindustrie nachhaltiger zu machen, sehr klein ist, aber jede große Bewegung beginnt bekanntlich mit kleinen Initiativen.

No ridiculous advertising promises. No greenwashing. No nasties and chemicals. Our ingredients and products are audited by a state-authorized independent body (Austria Bio Garantie) in compliance with the guidelines for Austrian organic cosmetics. All our ingredients have a specific purpose. We simply want our customers to know what they are applying to their skin, to understand our vielö formulations as well as the ingredients used in our products. This enables our customers to make a conscious and informed purchase decision without having to consult a dermatologist or chemist for advice.